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Three Little Maids

19:30 | Friday June 21 2024 

Bute Arts Society, the Isle of Bute, Scotland

Sorelle brings you Three Little Maids, an evening of humour, wit and entertainment from Gilbert and Sullivan’s coy schoolgirls to Puccini's queens. Join the three sopranos on a journey through the comedy canon, enjoying warring divas, catty friendships and lovesick maidens.  Sorelle are delighted to include in their programme some of Vera Lynn’s best-loved favourites and traditional English songs.

Some Enchanted Evening

Christmas magic sparkles at every turn as the sun sets and winter's creatures come out to play. The delights of the festive season give way to the mystery of the moon as we journey into the December evening. From panto to carols, beloved tradition to fun new favourites, join us as we celebrate the Christmas season as only Sorelle can. Featuring festive favourites from Handel, Britten, Rodgers and Hammerstein - and so much more.

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It’s been a quiet year for the arts while the world grapples with a pandemic, but Sorelle are delighted to present Encore! Encompassing music from the four concert series that had to be cancelled over the summer and autumn, Encore! is a celebration of everything the sopranos wanted to sing this year - but couldn’t. From Mozart to Hammerstein, Puccini to Gershwin, let Sorelle take you through the seasons and send you off into the new year in style.

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A Woman Scorned

Sorelle tell the stories of feisty, wronged women determined to win back their love - or seek their revenge - at whatever cost. The traditional image of the tragic scorned heroine is pushed aside to make way for the women forging their own routes to happiness - no matter who gets in their way.

With music from Tosca to Fiddler on the Roof, Sorelle will prove that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

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Some Enchanted Evening

Magic sparkles at every turn as the sun sets and witches, nymphs and fairies come out to play. The delights of springtime give way to the mystery of the moon and into the magic of winters chill. With more than one spell being cast and potion brewed, love is stirred and enchantment fills the air as the sopranos journey into the night. Featuring such enchanting pieces as Song to the Moon (Russalka), Evening Prayer (Hansel and Gretel) and The Last Midnight (Into the Woods)


-this concert is also available as a Christmas concert


'the fish are jumpin and the cotton is high!'

Summertime will feature a range of Operatic and Musical Theatre favourites, from the sultry charms of Carmens Cigarette factory in Seville to the streets of New York in West Side Story and evening taking the time to visit the enchanted forest of Mozarts Die Zauberflöte Sorelle promises to take you on a journey worthy of any midsummer night. 

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Sounds And Sweet Airs

‘Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises/ Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not’ (The Tempest, Act III, Scene II).


Shakespeare’s plays and sonnets are filled with music of all kinds, from bawdy tavern choruses to sweet lullabies and ballads of love. They have also influenced a host of composers,  â€‹

From Purcell’s ‘Fairy Queene’ to Britten’s ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’, Sorelle will embark on a journey through the very best of musical tributes to Shakespeare.

Belle Nuit

In this first concert, Belle Nuit, the sopranos draw on the magic of the
moon and the very best of opera's lullabies, sizzle with the night's seduction before heading downtown for Broadway’s most iconic tributes to the night. From Puccini to Mozart to Lloyd Webber - and so much between - the
audience will leave knowing they could have danced all night.This is an exciting, ambitious, dynamic group of women giving voice to a wonderful selection of operatic arias and musical theatre songs, putting women - and their voices - firmly back where they belong.

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